The work starts with-IN.


When we live in alignment, we can achieve anything. Therefore, the most crucial action we can take to transform the world, is have the courage to do the inner work. To get back to our essence. To know what we truly desire. To deprogram and de-condition all the limitations and influences that distract us from who we truly are.

When we live in alignment everything flows, life is easier. We have improved: personal effectiveness, make better decisions, deal with complexity and change with more grace, better health and well-being, more joy, prosperity, true fulfillment, build genuine and true person and professional relationships, and become leaders’ people TRULY want to follow.

Natalie works with culture creators. The people who are driven to make the world a better place. To evolve, grow and make meaningful change to self, teams, organisations, the community and the world.

I offer 1:1 coaching, leadership development, team facilitation, workshops and self-development guides to enable you living your best life. Connect for a complimentary 30 minute conversation to see if there is alignment for you

INTUITION. Reconnecting to our inner wisdom and power. INSPIRATION. Aligning to our sacred paths, purpose, gifts, values, talents and strengths. INCLUSION. Remembering our interconnectedness – being safe, seen, heard and valued. INNOVATION. Having the courage to make a meaningful difference.

As we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and overcome our limitations, we shift our focus from protecting ourselves to being of service to others which leads us to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


We all have the ability to receive messages from deep within us. In our energetic field, our bodies, our heart, gut, every cell – our DNA.

We live in a world that emphasises left brain thinking, logic, evidence, science, the mind, IQ. This limits us to what can be assessed, analysed, reasoned and proven. This is a masculine dominated way of living. A culture focused on achievement, doing, controlling, directing and focusing on striving towards goals.

These traits absolutely have a place, however we have lost our way from leveraging a more feminine way of living.  Leveraging our right brain thinking, our intuition, our body intelligence, our connection to our energetic impulses and insights and our connection to community, the earth and stars. Surrendering, trusting, connecting, listening, etc…

Bringing ourselves and our collective culture back to balance is the key.

Remembering the deep wisdom, intelligence that exists in our cells, in our bodies, in our being. Receiving intuitive downloads and messages, feeling into the alignment then having the blissipline to take soul aligned actions.

Through coaching, team facilitation and holding sacred space in workshops, I support you to reconnect and remember how-to live-in-balance.


I believe we are all here for a reason. The fact that we exist is a miracle. Scientists estimate the probability of your being born at about one in 400 trillion. We have a sacred path that’s ever changing and evolving. Our dreams, visions, goals are continually shifting. As we grow, learn, experience new things our perspective alters. As we achieve goals and our dreams become a reality the dream expands.

Living in alignment with your soul is a practice. Practicing listening to the whispers of our soul and having the courage to take inspired action.If you were to die tomorrow, will you feel fulfilled with the life you have led? Have you maximised moments of joy?

I support people connect and tap into their reason for being and provide tools to refine this as you grow.Co-author of Conscious Creation – the art and science of designing your reality. Also through 1:1 and group coaching.


We have lived for far too long focusing on individualism. Overemphasising the self. In survivalist mode. We are all inter-connected. If one suffers, we all suffer. We rise and thrive together. Equality and inclusion are when everyone feels safe, seen, heard and that they belong. We are far from an inclusive world.

We CAN all make an impact here. Through our own transformation. As we heal the self, and go from survival and coping to courageous and constructive, we start to expand our awareness and perspective from self to others – our families, teams, organisations, the community and then the world and all living beings.

Inclusion is the precursor to innovation. If you want people to be creative, courageous, candid, they need to feel safe to be fully themselves.


As we raise in consciousness, we make better choices. We start to focus on what matters. On collective wellbeing. On thriving together. We begin to fix the resource distribution issues, shift the focus from profits to planet.